@manisnesan Interesting that I have a similar error, but without calling `fine_tune`. So, I call the finder as the very first method right after creating a `Learner` object. But I...
@hildeweerts I would say that this kind of transformers is one of the most challenging ones to insert into a pipeline. The code we have now doesn't support this kind...
See issue #41, I guess it is the same request what you're asking about.
Am I right that this feature should be something like: ``` df = pd.DataFrame({'colA': list('ynyyn'), 'colB': list('abcab')}) mapper = DataFrameMapper([ ('colA', [LabelEncoder()]), ('colB', [LabelEncoder()]), ]) transformed = mapper.fit_transform(df) restored =...
@erikjandevries I guess you only need to run `tox` to see if all tests pass. Probably, add a couple more tests to see if your implementation correctly handles other cases,...
@dukebody I usually track the `sklearn_pandas` repository changes and pull-requests and use it in my daily tasks so I could work on this if nobody else decides to take this...
@dukebody Sure, not a problem! Yes, I've created one, the username is `devforfu`.
@dukebody Yes, the notification was received. Ok, sure, will do as soon as finalize the pending changes.
@erikjandevries Click [Details]( link near CircleCI message to see what is going wrong. Mostly - PEP8 violations, as I can see.
@erikjandevries Do you think that it is possible to address the issues pointed by @dukebody? Then we can do a final review and merge into `master`.