
Results 25 comments of developomp

This should also solve issues where packages in different distros are maintained by different people and are behind the latest version.

I usually don't like commenting without adding anything to the discussion, but this is such a useful feature I want this suggestion to get more of the developer's attention.

Are there any workaround for this? Got this issue while building v13.0.0 on arch linux

**(1-3):** Same **(4) Distribution (run `cat /etc/os-release`):** ``` NAME="Arch Linux" PRETTY_NAME="Arch Linux" ID=arch BUILD_ID=rolling ANSI_COLOR="38;2;23;147;209" HOME_URL="" DOCUMENTATION_URL="" SUPPORT_URL="" BUG_REPORT_URL="" LOGO=archlinux-logo ``` **(5) Gnome Shell version:** 42.1 **(6) Pop Shell version...

Also, I want to say thank you to the amazing developers who maintains this project. This is definitely one of the most useful projects on github.

@rauenzi thank you for your feedback but that is not what my issue was about. Please consider taking a moment to read my suggestion when you're done handling BD restructuring....

As an addition to this suggestion, folder-ized themes would be great too.

Can you explain this in more detail?

What I'm asking is the reason why we need this feature. It's not like plugins take up hundreds of megabytes of storage. If it is for backing up, consider making...