Yonghye Kwon

Results 53 comments of Yonghye Kwon

Refer to https://github.com/developer0hye/Simple-PyTorch-Deformable-Convolution-v2 and https://github.com/developer0hye/Simple-CenterNet

@denisb411 Hi, denisb! I developed [new package: plot bbox](https://github.com/developer0hye/plotbbox) supports your purpose.

@leandromoreira Could you review this PR? The official example code also uses const*. https://github.com/FFmpeg/FFmpeg/blob/master/doc/examples/decode_video.c#L86

@leandromoreira Sorry, I didn't check it with current docker ffmpeg image. After checking it, I will tell you about it.

@luciaL @dbjhbyun I found the description related to your issue in the paper. The consistency to teacher predictions may not necessarily be a good proxy for the classification task, especially...

@squirrel16 I am curious about this. Have you tested this with two options(batch or whole data)?

@thuangb Thanks for your comment. I will try to implement this function. This function will be implemented in a month.

@NimaAgm I am lazy. Do you need this function?

@NimaAgm Sorry, I think that it's hard to plot class on box using only Qt library.

I don’t know making a linux binary version yet, I have the plan to do that!