Kelly Salazar

Results 4 comments of Kelly Salazar

Same bug with ODrive Debian 10 ![image](

> * btenga el conjunto de mensajes con cual `feed = Feed.hashtags.through.objects.filter(tag__name__in=["demo"])` ` ``` class TaggitManager: hashtags = TaggableManager(through=UUIDTaggedItem) class Meta: abstract = True class UUIDTaggedItem(GenericUUIDTaggedItemBase, TaggedItemBase): pass class Feed(UUIDModel,...

``` feed = Feed.objects.filter(tags__name="demo") ``` `django.core.exceptions.FieldError: Cannot resolve keyword 'tags' into field` or `feed = Feed.objects.filter(hashtags__name="demo")` `django.core.exceptions.FieldError: Cannot resolve keyword 'hashtags' into field`

@rtpg Any way to tell my model to filter me by hashtags since none of the ways I have tried has been satisfactory.