I tested upload speed for varius file sizes: 10M, 100M, 1000M in comparison of `node.js` upload speed in `Deno` is about 2x-3x slower and on 1G file deno is 10x...
I found in code that you set `ane_max_power = 8.0 W` whare you get this number and is it correct? In my AI test (mac mini m1) with optimized coreml...
How to keep app running then connection to db was lost? For now deno process is just die. ``` //connect ot DB var db=await connect(...) const app = new App()...
Hi! Do we have any alternative in deno to run server on all available CPUs in parallel, like cluster/pm2 module in node.js?
For express/node we have req stream pipe to file on disk, so do we have this option in deno?
In my scenario if html-minify has error then whole server is down! I think, that html-minify must be in try{...}catch(err){...} to prevent server down, and if err then return original...
Where is the needMoreDataForDecodePicture event? For example if I'm just start stream over sockets I push first packet to player.decode(data) but I can't receive onPictureDecode event because decoder need more...
In my project with around 100 pages (plus tons of twig imports, macro , etc...) I see the regrasion of RAM memory from 2G to 8G in couple of builds...
Then I try to add async function, for example: ``` functions:{ getFileInfo:(value,...args)=>{ return new Promise((resolve,reject)=>{ setTimeout(()=>{ // get file info from DB return resolve(JSON.stringify(require("./demo_data/file_data.js")))//info about file },3000) })//promise },//getFileInfo }...
Hi! I wondering if request body and url (path and query as result) are secured and trusted values? Or it can include "bad" not secure characters? And as result hacker...