Yes. I think that would work to me. thanks! :>
I changed getLocalIpAddress(), and it worked public String getLocalIpAddress() { WifiManager wifiManager = (WifiManager) getSystemService(WIFI_SERVICE); WifiInfo wifiInfo = wifiManager.getConnectionInfo(); int ipAddress = wifiInfo.getIpAddress(); String sIp = String.format("%d.%d.%d.%d", (ipAddress & 0xff),...
can i try contribute?
hello. @TimvdLippe I found a problem and fixed the code. I think the problem was that we used stack inside, so the order was reversed during the push/pop process....
@TimvdLippe I midified the code based on your feedback, can you check it? The test code works like this ## and - If the test is sequential, it will be...
I'll check why the test is failing and fix it. ; )
@pavelfeldman Any ideas on how to access that functionality? Would it be nice to have a menu appear when you right click on an item, like what is provided in...
It seems that all three must match. 1. The playwright version of the client 2. version of playwright execute in the executor 3. The docker version of the executor for...
To fix the executor version, modify this part as follows. ``` var runner string var args []string if r.dependency == "pnpm" { runner = "pnpm" args = []string{"dlx", "[email protected]",...
How about making it possible to select the docker tag to use when setting up an executor while creating a test in the dashboard?