Karsten Deubert
Karsten Deubert
# PR related to my feature request #353 To get a quick start into this codebase I added a simple ddev config including a phpunit and phpcompatinfo wrapper. If you...
# New Feature request ## Summary Verify or suggest changes to a given composer.json - php version/php extension requirements. ## Description Based on the required modules and php version the...
## Use Case I'm not managing databases with puppet, however this module will always loop all databases and do a "show variables" on them. This currently takes ~60 seconds for...
Would it be possible to allow for the powershell module to have a higher version as the current limit of < 6.0.0? This is the changelog of 6.0.0: https://forge.puppet.com/modules/puppetlabs/powershell/changelog#v600-2023-04-24 It...
### Before you start please confirm the following. - [X] Yes, I've searched similar issues on [GitHub](https://github.com/portainer/portainer/issues). - [X] Yes, I've checked whether this issue is covered in the Portainer...
### Description We used docker-ce 26.0.0 before (former debian 11 default package), and after the upgrade to 26.0.1 (current debian 11 stable package as of last night) our stack deployments...
Gluster builds apt packages for Debian 10, 11 and 12 for the latest version (see https://download.gluster.org/pub/gluster/glusterfs/11/11.0/Debian/). The puppet module is capped to only support Debian up to version 9 with...
improving the readme by changing formatting, adding a section about authorization and fixing a typo