Karsten Deubert

Results 9 issues of Karsten Deubert

# PR related to my feature request #353 To get a quick start into this codebase I added a simple ddev config including a phpunit and phpcompatinfo wrapper. If you...

# New Feature request ## Summary Verify or suggest changes to a given composer.json - php version/php extension requirements. ## Description Based on the required modules and php version the...

## Use Case I'm not managing databases with puppet, however this module will always loop all databases and do a "show variables" on them. This currently takes ~60 seconds for...


Would it be possible to allow for the powershell module to have a higher version as the current limit of < 6.0.0? This is the changelog of 6.0.0: https://forge.puppet.com/modules/puppetlabs/powershell/changelog#v600-2023-04-24 It...

### Before you start please confirm the following. - [X] Yes, I've searched similar issues on [GitHub](https://github.com/portainer/portainer/issues). - [X] Yes, I've checked whether this issue is covered in the Portainer...


### Description We used docker-ce 26.0.0 before (former debian 11 default package), and after the upgrade to 26.0.1 (current debian 11 stable package as of last night) our stack deployments...


see #243


Gluster builds apt packages for Debian 10, 11 and 12 for the latest version (see https://download.gluster.org/pub/gluster/glusterfs/11/11.0/Debian/). The puppet module is capped to only support Debian up to version 9 with...

improving the readme by changing formatting, adding a section about authorization and fixing a typo