A.J. Roberts

Results 7 issues of A.J. Roberts

# Feature request ## Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. I'd really rather not use password auth and all the prospective users of my app will...


This is a tracking issue to keep up with the idea of "manually" contacting all potential Mentors to let them know what we do and how to use our service....

I had an action item to create this issue. I must admit I don't really even understand what the CPC does, but to the best of my knowledge we need...

I'm working on a "Wishlist" initiative to help direct volunteers to tasks around the ecosystem where help is the most needed. I'm also working on the Mentorship team as a...

Anyone interested in maintaining this project may email me at [email protected]

This is the implementation of the changes discussed in #173.

Hi! I spent yesterday updating the [beta branch](https://github.com/detrohutt/babel-plugin-inline-import-graphql-ast/blob/beta/plugin/multi-op.js) of my package babel-plugin-inline-import-graphql-ast to support multiple operations like this package. In doing so, I reused a lot of the code from...