Not sure it's possible as those are published per-user and there is no such concept of a team/organization. Two options: 1- Create a new account to publish, 2- Try to...
@luispabon I recently started to work on a fork. There is a lot of work to be done but it's better to either move to the fork or merge these...
Alright. I'm gonna left this open until that point.
Thanks @fsantini let me know if I can help with anything. I was thinking of having a sort of cache (but that sounds like more problems).
@fsantini Something I noticed that's happening (that's not related to large directories) is that Google Drive is returning the following: ``` Moved Temporarily Moved Temporarily The document has moved here....
I tried with Dropbox and had no issues. Do you have many ebooks there? Can you share the log (remove any personal information)?
@mmmx10 The issue is that you got an extra character on the URL: Remove that `^M` (carry return) and it should work. You may have to change the line-ending in...
Yeah, I think I've seen similar issues before. I'll try it out later. Thanks for the report.
@dewey @lukechilds You need to add `$HOME/.qfc/bin/` to your path.
@lukechilds You are right. It's probably [this](https://github.com/pindexis/qfc/commit/0cb201c0f555d9b06949e566f80ccd803458f70a).