Sorry to just hop in here, this could possibly be a separate issue, but is related to icons. In the toolbar and Touch Bar would it be possible to add...
Just my opinion, but in terms of the Link component from a usage perspective, I think I prefer @soulchainer’s idea of replace being a bool with an optional state object...
@o-alexandrov The suggestion wasn’t for wouter to manage state, but it already is an interface to the history API which itself has state, so the idea was to read/write to...
@ychin Late reply, but just a thanks for your work on this. I too liked the touch bar, a lot, and I will miss it. I feel like the disdain...
Just realised I already made an issue for this on the website repo. Apologies.
You can use GitHub pages with Jekyll. That might be easiest as that’s also Ruby?
@adamluzsi Congrats! Hosting aside, the domain name has been grabbed by someone else. So might be worth just removing the link to the squatted site in the description until a...
@adamluzsi Sorry for the very late reply. It looks good, there are just some references to the original website in the READEME that need updating to point to the wiki....
Thanks @raphamorim, I don't have any custom config for keybindings at the moment, as they are working by default in 0.0.33. I have tried both the following in 0.0.34 without...
Also, just to be thorough, I tried the following in 0.0.34 as well with no luck: ```toml [bindings] keys = [ { key = "[", with = "command + shift",...