杨卓(Zhuo Yang)

Results 14 issues of 杨卓(Zhuo Yang)

打开控制台.app,选择日志报告-launchd.log,查看是否有类似gui/501/com.qiuyuzhou.shadowsocksX-NG.local的日志项,如果有,参考教程关闭残留的启动项: https://lscho.com/tech/unload-sslocal.html 教程中没提,但.http的启动项应该也需要手动关闭

Add icon for Io language https://iolanguage.org The icon is copied from https://github.com/vscode-icons/vscode-icons/wiki/ListOfFiles#io

**Environment:** - OS: macOS 14.2.1 (23C71) with Apple XDR Display (P3-1600 nits) - qView version: 6.1 **Information:** The left is the Preview.app, please note the file size in the title...


I tried to use a graphics card with 8GB video memory to run the image_demo.py demonstration of the YOLO-World-Seg-L model, but encountered a CUDA out of memory problem. What are...

The above figure shows the object image and the result of the grasp quality prediction (q_img in code). It can be seen that the red cube becomes a slightly larger...

Some of the buttons are shown in English. The texts are translated, they just don’t show: ``` SYSTEM INFO: Obsidian version: v1.3.4 Installer version: v1.1.16 Operating system: Darwin Kernel Version...

The pause button in the lower-left corner of the screen does not work when connecting to Rosbridge, causing memory usage to increase indefinitely and eventually crash the webpage("Aw, Snap!", error...

When an exception raised in callback function of a service ,this function will log it to rosout: https://github.com/ros/ros_comm/blob/842f0f026924323f605495da0b80493f15f0bdce/clients/rospy/src/rospy/impl/tcpros_service.py#L581-L582 However the return value of `traceback.format_exception()` is a list which cause it's...

删掉所有配置文件后重新部署无法解决。几乎每次都会错位,但同样的状态可以导致不同的错位大小,找不到规律。截图显示的是比较大的错位。 Chrome: VSCode: Obsidian: macOS 13.2.1,鼠鬚管0.16.2