@romi1502 thank you, I Run both computers as if all things being equal. except PC#1 has 16Gb of ram and GPU, and PC#2 has 32Gb no GPU, but GPU in...
@romi1502 , This is the file with the --verbose arguement. After 30hrs it reached 8000 checkpoints, I stopped the process as I don't know if this would take another 20yrs...
@Spencer19990618 Mine is training but not completing for some unknown mystery. Yours is not training at all because you're not pointing to the dataset properly.
Hi, I'm not sure but I think I may be in a similar situation when I train and I'm not sure if its a bug. I have re-trained 3 times...
@dustyny I don't think its corrupt, it plays well in audacity and both my folders have the correct number of files (train=100, test=50). something is preventing it from completing the...
I'm not sure that ram can distinguish what type of dataset you're using, whatever it is, train will still fill the available ram. I've tried to train at least 6x...
@robertmckean , I am not running Anaconda as I had issues with it, but if you figure out how to use Docker pls report as I'm still struggling to understand...
@MohammedMehdiTBER , in my test run without GPU, I trained on MUSDB dataset for many days, my CPU ran at 98 - 99% and it never completed. I gave up...
Thank you very much romi!! it's not that evident how to go about it but the more I read the wiki and the issue / discussions about re-training, the more...
So, I needed to re-install python / spleeter as my previous install was anaconda and was too convoluted. anyhow it seems to be working fine with the path environments. but...