Results 14 issues of M

Would be great if you could implement a structure where the scheme can express informations if a device/software allows changing midi channels for sending and receiving data. There are a...


` valueForUndefinedKey:]: this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key duration.` As it is actually not needed to have any duration set apart from internal MediaTiming.. the whole...

while trying to implement `OpenCombine` to mimic missing `Combine` Framework in example in Xcode 11.3.1 projects where Swift does also not support **`@Published`** directive (nor **`@Bind`** , **`@StateObject`** or **`@ObservedObject`**)...

a simple [search](https://github.com/CocoaDebug/CocoaDebug/search?q=import+Cocoa) reveals why the whole framework is wrongly named and should not be used. Not a single source file uses `import Cocoa`. Don't you think it should be...

it is very very obvious that there is one Language missing in the entire Deepl universe! which is Ukrainian! why? shall me make a official post about it, someone working...

api change

As of 2021 aggregated Devices exist or how to call them.. Combined Devices which can be setup to only use Inputs or Outputs just the same as some devices will...

seams because of deprecated NSTextInput, which should be changed to NSTextInputClient, it wont work in XCode6.2 even if building is successful and passing UUID check worked. Xcode[...]: Failed to connect...

spotted some flaw.. https://github.com/michaeltyson/TheSpectacularSyncEngine/blob/61568ac9c045dc34ad5378c0bf9b4ebb3ddbb024/Syncy/SEMetronome.m#L115-L121 ``` Line: 120: runtime error: -1.84462e+19 is outside the range of representable values of type 'unsigned long long' ``` when the enclosing `if` statement checks for...

as `@keypath(object.property)` is a common objective-c preprocessor trick that you used in your example its worth mentioning that this feature is available here.. https://github.com/jspahrsummers/libextobjc/blob/master/extobjc/EXTKeyPathCoding.h#L38

https://github.com/dave234/AppleAudioUnit/blob/d8d318da4f1e6808b3ebe093a34e14fed3fa7382/AppleAudioUnit/Classes/AVAudioUnitCreator.swift#L29-L30 `[String:Any]` is not convertible to `[String:Any]?` Wrapped in `Optional([NSLocalizedDescriptionKey:"halleluja"])` solves it, kinda...