Desi McAdam
Desi McAdam
Hey team! Please [add your planning poker estimate]( with Zenhub @Gudahtt @kanthesha @MajorLift @mcmire @mikesposito
@MajorLift How would you feel about changing the estimate on this reflect the actual complexity? And just wondering what the next steps on this one are?
Hey team! Please [add your planning poker estimate]( with Zenhub @Gudahtt @kanthesha @MajorLift @mcmire @mikesposito
There are 2 technical proposals and the issues created for those should replace this. Closing.
We do now expose verifyPassword but not in the recommended way. We should also update on mobile.
Potential blocker for Wallet Frame - Desi add to release (once I create). Remaining work is to add action.
@mcmire Pinging for you to take a look and post an update on this issue.
We have another issue that represents this work. #1845
Potential next steps: @Gudahtt will share link on chromium. Update chromium as a first try of a fix. Verify if the "no sandbox" flag is used with Chromium (as this...
The other thing @Gudahtt said he was going to try is to update Chrome and chrome driver.