just Test
Hi All, I had previously used certain settings for MongoDB of observability, and those configurations were effective. ``` @Bean MongoClientSettingsBuilderCustomizer mongoMetricsSynchronousContextProvider(ObservationRegistry registry) { return (clientSettingsBuilder) -> { clientSettingsBuilder.contextProvider(ContextProviderFactory.create(registry)) .addCommandListener(new MongoObservationCommandListener(registry));...
Hi, a problem I meet when I use sqlCommand to execute ''spool off' or ' spool xxx.log', and it returns 'java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-00900: invalid SQL statement'. what should I do if...
Hi Solace support, we found that there no related span info send out to solace while we use SpringBoot version 3.x, and SpringCloud Support Marcin Grzehszczak said That's a missing...