
Results 595 comments of DMehaffy

As we have no new information I'm going to set this as closed for now.

Can you try to reproduce the client codebase in a fresh project and see if you can reproduce the issue?

> I have, and I cannot reproduce locally. The best suggestion I can make is to wipe your core_store table and reboot Strapi to regenerate it, it sounds like you...

Also popping in here to advocate for us Keycloak users, even as hobbyists this would be an awesome win :)

Pending upstream approval of feature, in the meantime @sjones6 can you sign the CLA please

> @derrickmehaffy , signed; whoops, I signed for the main repo, didn't realize I needed to do separately for each repo. No problem, yeah CLA doesn't transfer repos so each...

> Hi @derrickmehaffy, thank you a lot for your feedback. I updated the code using policies and middlewares. This is a strapi project with the example code: > >...

```js } else { ctx.request.query.filters = { ...ctx.request.query.filters, [field]: userId }; return true; } ``` You can't do this, setting stuff in the policy ctx won't travel down the chain....

Hey sorry this got lost in my notifications. I'll try and take a look on Monday

You shouldn't really need to modify code for this, the code just bootstraps the values into the database on boot if they don't exist but to modify them you would...