Andre Graf
Andre Graf
### Basic implementation for persistent connections The request record now contains the pid of the receive_term process #request.con_pid which allows to report back once the processing is done. After the...
the current version of exometer_report_snmp.erl can not deal with exometer_function entries. It will run into {error, {function_not_exported, {snmp_bin, 1}}} when calling modify_mib. Is there a simple workaround besides specifying my...
Hello I am not sure if this is an issue related to nix2container,, AWS Fargate or my wrong-doing (absolutely possible). I am using the container feature of which...
Hello F# beginner here.. I was playing with generating a Json Schema from a simple record type. To my understand all record properties are required, but this isn't reflected in...
After upgrading Cowboy 2.10 to 2.12 we've noticed a different behaviour when downloading a large file using http1.1 over a rather bad internet connection. It's a Java client producing a...