Derek Risseeuw
Derek Risseeuw
In the openfoam simulation 3 parts need updating. A distinction is being made between fluid fields and mesh fields, which both need checkpointing. The Time is the third element which...
This is an accurate description @MakisH, thanks for taking the time to write it all out. For additional information: The old volumes are used in the time scheme. Therefore, using...
Hi Makis, In my opinion the ideal openfoam adapter should be as portable as possible and easy to use. Therefore, the first solutions does not really work, because the user...
If I understand correctly, Configuring the make with Cmake will build the adapter according to the system configuration. So it will build the adapter using the openfoam version which is...
You're right! I forgot the fact that the adapter needs to build a seperate dynamic library in the `$FOAM_USER_LIBBIN` for every build. In that case, the fourth solution would be...
Thank you for your reaction Benjamin. This problem can be easily overcome in the calculix input file by specifying: *DYNAMIC,DIRECT Where the 'direct' keyword forces calculix to use the timestep...