Derek Reynolds
Derek Reynolds
Nevermind this is my tired eyes missing the nested array in the plugins definition -_-
Exciting stuff! Will the new runtime CSS-in-JS lib support css extraction?
This is due to an experiment in including html syntax within php strings. Will be removing this in a later revision since it won't work with the current sugar engine.
This has been fixed in the latest source. Can you verify.
Damn. I am thinking I won't be able to keep HTML support in php strings. The HTML syntax won't go past the ' and the backslash is ignored because it's...
I have a good idea how to fix this. Should be ready for the official 1.0b6 release.
Oh yeah that'd be cool. `~/.generator/defaults.json`?
Could also pass in as an option per call `generate -t npm -n my-mod -d /some/defaults.json`
Oh yeah that would be really neat.
The other thing I can think of is maybe custom map controls. Positioning isn't dependent coordinates, but you want access to the map instance to call methods. ```tsx function AnnotationsCount()...