Fernand Galiana

Results 7 issues of Fernand Galiana

Hi, First off thank you for this great project! I am having an issue in the latest code base while shelling out using Suspend. I issue a command and forward...

Hi, While running mix docker.release the command fails in the Dockerfile add myapp.tar.gz. Docker complains about a missing tar header hence causing the release to fail building the image. I...

I am aware that k8s does not support docker option --device. So I've resorted to use the security context privileged:true when defining a pod. This however does not yield the...

Running ku 1.4.1 on Rpi with kubeadm-arm 1.5 on Hypriot 1.0.1. I've noticed that when I unplug the ethernet cable on one of the minions it takes a really long...

Hi, First off, thank you so much for putting together this distro. Way cool! I think I have a good install of v0.8.0 and the master node seems healthy. Using...

Hi, I am trying to use your nice lib to get multiple uploaders on a single page. Each uploader resolve to a different backend server url. Say I have uploader1...

need to reproduce

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