I checked on the question of `cron` on MacOS. It is supported, but `launchd` is preferred: I've not used the former in a couple decades, and have never used...
I thought that required a pointer to the actual julia install path. If that's not the case, then bonus, and maybe this is a docs opportunity.
it was: ``` eval "$(starship init zsh)" test -e "${HOME}/.iterm2_shell_integration.zsh" && source "${HOME}/.iterm2_shell_integration.zsh" # >>> juliaup initialize >>> # !! Contents within this block are managed by juliaup !! path=('/Users/kfarmer/.juliaup/bin'...
I was seeing this with 7.1.0p3 and install-module posh-git. Turned out it was protected folder access. Allowing pwsh through the block resolved the issue for me.
I'd just as soon see the MKLC reworked and brought back up to modern design. It was incredibly powerful, supporting dead keys, and there are characters I would need to...
I don't recall the nature of how I worked around it. I suspect manual surgery but nothing scripted.
Alternatively, why not just create a switch to opt into os-specific behavior (ie, `ls --os=windows`)? That, then, could be aliased as desired without inducing a breaking change or affecting the...