Hi, I found that if you move the np.meshgrid operation to __init__() function, the speed of CPU mode will up to almost 5 FPS.
when I run the ./demo command, this happened.. mo/single-depth-1.ply fragment-1 Loaded point cloud with 252179 points! Size of TDF voxel grid: 370 x 253 x 324 Computing TDF voxel grid......
Can this training code directly take in .ply file? Instead of rgb-d file?
OpenGL Error: XX (502) In: /usr/local/include/pangolin/gl/gl.hpp, line 212 Your GPU "GeForce 940M" isn't in the ICP Step performance database, please add it Your GPU "GeForce 940M" isn't in the RGB...
The implementation of NeuNorm here seems different with the NeuNorm described in the original paper. 1. In my opinions, the trainable weight U (which named w in your code),...
Hi, Thanks for you providing so nice code. But when I try to play with "lets-do-irl/mujoco/vail", It make me very confused that the code in ``: ` vdb_loss = criterion(learner,...
Dear sir: KinFu2 error: unknown error This problem still stuck me, and I don't have any method to fix this. hope for your help
I run the code with a V-100 GPU (32GB memory), but if the batch size is larger than 6 (or even small), it will raise this error. What caused this?
I have spent a lot of time to run the process the data of S3DIS ``` ====>min_potentials: [300.2869317967135, 300.28683857620433, 300.2906667716652, 300.2868395653529, 300.28667220968407][542/1764]: 4/1730517 ====>min_potentials: [300.2869317967135, 300.28683857620433, 300.2906667716652, 300.2868395653529, 300.28730288229474][542/1765]: 1/321691====>min_potentials:...