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Write high-level Deno FFI libraries in Rust.

Results 36 deno_bindgen issues
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I felt on case looking close what is described upstream in What debugging steps could be made in order to isolate further the issue (e.g. Deno and/or Rust and/or...


Waiting on ```rust #[deno_bindgen] fn callback(cb: fn (a: i32, b: i32)) { cb(1, 2) } ```

## Environment: ### OS: MacOS Monterey version 12.4 ### Hardware: Model Name: MacBook Pro Chip: Apple M1 Memory: 16 GB ## Steps To Reproduce 1. first run `deno_bindgen` to build...

Hello, I know this is a rust based codegen but I hope it's ok to ask this. What could be the best way to access structs that contains strings in...


``` // Auto-generated with deno_bindgen import { CachePolicy, prepare } from "[email protected]/plug.ts" const opts = { name: "teyda_core", url: (new URL("../target/release", import.meta.url)).toString(), policy: undefined, } const _lib = await prepare(opts,...


Having an option to override the default JSON serialization would be nice. For example the list other more performant options such as AVRO.

Doable with `Box`. Reference/Mutable reference for methods and deallocate box when consumed/finalization ```rust pub struct NonSerializable { inner: i32, } #[deno_bindgen] impl NonSerializable { pub fn add(&mut self, a: i32)...


Closes #63 Rust structs as JavaScript classes. Prior art: `wasm_bindgen` & `napi-rs`. ```rust pub struct NonSerializable { inner: i32, } #[deno_bindgen] impl NonSerializable { pub fn add(&mut self, a: i32)...

I keep getting errors in vscode. ![image]( ``` custom attribute panicked help: message: Type definition not found for `Input` identifier ``` The project does, however, compile using `deno_bindgen` without errors.


```rust use deno_bindgen::deno_bindgen; #[deno_bindgen] pub struct UsbDevice { // Not supposed to be serialized or included in typings. #[cfg(not(feature = "deno_ffi"))] non_serializable_handle: Device, } ``` Output: ```typescript type UsbDevice =...
