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A modern runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript.

Results 1034 deno issues
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A PoC demonstrating the feasibility of a sidecar binary to produce snapshots when cross-compiling

closes #1699 TODO: - [ ] complete impl - [ ] typings - [ ] tests

Fixes the first part of

This is the second part of The test won't succeed yet, because while this PR allows for passing `--compat` now, the generated bundle contains Deno's `std/node` library, which I...

This adds an implementation of `Default` for both `WorkerOptions` and `BootstrapOptions`. Since both of these structs are rather big, this should make it easier for people unfamiliar with the internals...

:wave: Hey Folks, Siddhant here from [Gitpod]( @ghuntley dropped by your Discord the other day to share the news the members of the Deno GitHub org have been added as...

Depends on denoland/rusty_v8#959.

I am going to try to split CI into distinct "build" and "test" steps. Additionally I'll attempt to shard the tests across multiple concurrent testing VMs. TODOs: - [ ]...

Marginally faster than using v8::External due to embedder pointer indirection

For Blocked on (so the test should fail in this repo)