Kenneth Teng
Kenneth Teng
I am using PhotoSwipe in my [hexo theme]( with or without predefined dimension for photos. Here is my approach: ``` js // Pass data to PhotoSwipe and initialize it gallery...
@a-komarev maybe you should reference an existing img element rather then creating one dynamically.
@TwentyOneSolutions It does work for me in my case. check this sample
This file is reused from the default theme landscape. This ERRORs won't appear in my environment. What is your environment? And also try building with landscape theme.
没错,本主题最求简洁扁平,只支持一级分类,需要归档到多个目录建议使用 tags
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duplicated with #4 更像是 stylus 版本不对导致的,请检查 article-padding 是否定义,stylus 是否支持乘 -1 操作。这个文件是来自默认主题landscape,如果 landscape 也 build 不了就不是主题代码问题。
那可能是找不到这些参数的定义,请检查下 variables.styl 文件
Thanks. 我抽空修复下