Denis Washington

Results 14 comments of Denis Washington

I ran into this problem today. After some searching, I found a [blog post]( explaining that this problem is locale-specific: if the locale uses a decimal separator other that the...

Hi @anion155! Thanks a lot for you for taking the time for making these suggestions. 🙂 > Add payload creator option to ` createAction#withPayload`, for custom arguments in generated action...

Support for `.env` files would be really nice. This approach is well-known from [Heroku]( and several programming language communities (e.g. [Ruby]( and [Node.js](

What also works is using old-school `` comments: ```ts /// ```

If the issue is a segfault, then you could perhaps try if #1010 fixes the issue. It adapts to changes to the `objc_msgSend` function signature by explicitly casting all uses...

This feature is essential for maintaining a compacted Kafka topic that mirrors the contents of a MongoDB collection using `publish.full.document.only`. In addition to space savings, tombstones are also important for...

Here is a `RuleWithTrimmedWhitespace` implementation I just added to my codebase. I'm not exactly sure how to handle `id` and `validationError` yet (I don't need those currently). ```swift public struct...

Hm, interesting thought - doing it on the row level would be another way to solve the problem for all string rules at once. The only downside would be that...

Has this become easier to accomplish now that the build is performed using Nix (

It seems as if percentage sizes work just fine with the existing tmuxp size options. I just tried the following successfully: ```yaml session_name: percentage-pane-size windows: - window_name: example layout: main-vertical...