Hi @mn-mikke. Thank you for your suggestion. We started experimenting with this version library - . Until now, the error did not appear (in 5 runs). We could not...
Hi again! We upgraded the h2o sparkling water library for all of our environments and now in one environment, the error is appearing really frequently. And in some pipeline runs,...
Is this sufficient, or do you need the stdout and stderr? 
I gathered the stderr logs, I will come with the stdout after. [error](
Here are the stdout logs, we cleaned them of confidential data outputs. Thank you! [out](
Hi @mn-mikke, I hope this is what you're looking for:   where the parameters of the glm method models are udfXvars - features for training, inDat-training data. There is...
Hi @mn-mikke , In case it helps here are 2 other sets of logs where we run into this error by running the notebook from the Azure Data Factory pipeline....
Hi @mn-mikke , Can we provide other information that could help with the investigation? Are there any clues about what could be causing it? Thank you!
Hi @krasinski , Thank you for looking into this! The databricks cluster setup:  And the value for spark master `sc$master` `[1] "sparklyr://localhost:65529/65529" ` And for conf: `sc$conf` `$sparklyr.cancellable` `[1]...
Hi @mn-mikke! I created this cluster, but still end up in a similar error, I attached the error message.  [errorlog_30_9_22.txt](