
Results 41 issues of dengfenglai

你好,请问opencv版本号是多少? 我运行报错 cv2.CAP_MODE_RGB cv2.CAP_MODE_GRAY 显示没有



你好,我训练百度中文场景文字识别数据集, 我观察了cnn的输出都是nan,,,,导致后面loss也是nan。把学习率调很小cnn的输出也是nan, 请问知道大概是什么原因吗

请问pretrained_netE 和pretrained_netD是同一个东西吗? 我填写如下 是否有问题 "root": "superresolution" // "denoising" | "superresolution" , "pretrained_netG": "bsrgan_x4_gan/models/BSRNet.pth" // path of pretrained model , "pretrained_netD": "bsrgan_x4_gan/models/vgg19-dcbb9e9d.pth" // path of pretrained model , "pretrained_netE": "bsrgan_x4_gan/models/vgg19-dcbb9e9d.pth" //...

运行 `python hat/ -opt options/test/HAT_SRx4_ImageNet-pretrain.yml` 报错如上图

when i train or test command, there are the same error: **File "/media/cendelian/7CCAEC82CAEC39D2/CV/Project/人像分割/portrait_segmentation/etc/", line 25, in val_edge rand_pick = np.random.randint(0, len(val_loader)) File "mtrand.pyx", line 747, in numpy.random.mtrand.RandomState.randint File "_bounded_integers.pyx", line...

when i run python, the error accurs as below: **File "/media/cendelian/新加卷/CV/Project/人像分割/portrait_segmentation/data/", line 42, in __getitem__ label_bool = 255 * ((label > 200).astype(np.uint8)) TypeError: '>' not supported between instances of...

hi, when I run the command `python --c ./setting/SINet.json` there is a error: **ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '501.png\n'** my dir tree is .self.data_dir(../Link512DATA/) ├── Nukki...