
Results 15 comments of demon101

By the code, orderBy feature not supported for dynamic finders, only by list function. As work around sort parameter can be used. Location.findAllByIdInList(locationArray, [sort:'path']) Not a bug?

@graemerocher in our project we have the same bug with disabled new dirty checking. ``` hibernate: hibernateDirtyChecking: true ``` I have checked on , the bug still exist with...

looks like a big regression. Now refresh() working only in simple cases. As a workaround (thx @dmkolpakov ) empty method `trackChanges` can be added to the parent class ``` class...

don't use ``` grails.gorm.default.mapping = { '*'(accessType: AccessType.PROPERTY) } ```

@jeffbrown good list. I'm not alone with this problem =) This finder has to return an empty result without any DB query if argument null (thx or empty. The...

@jeffbrown @graemerocher Since MethodExpression has no mechanism for stopping evaluation, I see the only hacky way with using negative logical expression generation. Something like: `property is null and property is...

As I can see, fixed in 2.2.0

@aadrian yes, I agree > "project" is not really a project but more a "module" of a project - because GIT does a too high fragmentation. Currently we have 4...