Ilia Prokhorov
Ilia Prokhorov
Casts for correct XCode 10.1 build: ``` diff --git a/RecyclingAlert/DWURecyclingAlert/DWURecyclingAlert.m b/RecyclingAlert/DWURecyclingAlert/DWURecyclingAlert.m index 122336b..8ffcc32 100644 --- a/RecyclingAlert/DWURecyclingAlert/DWURecyclingAlert.m +++ b/RecyclingAlert/DWURecyclingAlert/DWURecyclingAlert.m @@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ static void dwu_swizzleDrawRectIfNotYet(CALayer *layer) { if (![layer.delegate isKindOfClass:[UIView...
``` ffmpeg_extract_subclip("inputVideo.mp4", 0, 10, targetname="output.gif") ``` #### Expected Behavior Gif file output #### Actual Behavior Error: [gif @ 000001d55c8aec80] GIF muxer supports only a single video GIF stream. #### Steps...
Steps: Find "SUPER BUTTER DOG" band Try to play "O.K" song Expected "O.K" song playing Actual Song with COLOR in title playing I guess it's because of VK music source,...
Steps: 1. Run muffon on MacOS 2. Close player window 3. Muffon in still in Dock 4. Right click on muffon in Dock -> Quit 5. Doesn't close 6. Optional...
ERROR: failed to receive status: rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = error reading from server: EOF
### Contributing guidelines - [X] I've read the [contributing guidelines]( and wholeheartedly agree ### I've found a bug and checked that ... - [X] ... the documentation does not mention...
Environment: Arch Linux Intel GPU + Nvidia GPU X11 Steps: 1. cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" -Bbuild/linux -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release 2. cmake --build build/linux --config Release --target vulkan_samples -j$(nproc) 3. ./build/linux/app/bin/Release/x86_64/vulkan_samples samples Result:...