
Results 7 comments of nyquist.fm

I understand. mhm, In this case I think a new receiver like `#orientation` or `#motion` could make sense, because the processed data (pitch/roll/yaw) is a fusion algorithm of `#accelrate`, `#gyro`,...

Cool! Thats would help me a lot. What else is going to be new?

if you need sombody to test beta versions: I am in.

is it complicated to realize? I have also another suggestion: When I touch for example widgets and continue to move on with the finger, it stops to sending the xy-position....

exactly! A delta value like in mouseState would be also practically. I tried to implement with pd, but I acutally dont understand completely how [mouseState] samples the delta postions.

If I understand you right, a general globaltouch event would fit to your idea?