Function `metadataForFile` does not return cover pictures, they where set directly into `self.metadata`. This will cause cover pictures being lost where the result of `metadataForFile` is assigned back to `self.metadata`.
Hi, we have used `checkAndPerformV1TokenMigration` method to upgrade old V1 tokens to the new format but we've seen that after an uninstall of the application the procedure starts over migrating...
With this pull request those setters will refresh their value on the fly: - setStrokeWidth - setStrokeColor - setStrokeCap - setPointSize - setPointStartColor - setPointEndColor - setDividerColor - setDividerDrawFirst -...
User can set an (externally) encrypted payload as described in #22 to be used with Chrome.
Hello, as you know [Google Chrome Push Notifications]( use GCM. But there is a downside: > A downside to the current implementation of the Push API in Chrome is that...