Katie Dektar
Katie Dektar
### Key information - Joda-Time version: 2.9.4 ### Problem description Joda-Time does not use the localized decimal format separator for parsing and printing. Instead, the "." character is hard-coded in...
It looks like the Daltonization code in https://github.com/DaltonLens/DaltonLens/blob/master/Dalton/Filters.cpp#L275 is always using the Protanopia matrix to add the error back into the image. I think it should be changing the matrix...
Use "slug" field from Issue, which is a prettified path to the URL: i.e. https://5calls.org/issue/demand-barr-recuse-from-the-mueller-investigation-for-ag-confirmation` the slug is `demand-barr-recuse-from-the-mueller-investigation-for-ag-confirmation`
https://developer.android.com/training/app-links/index.html Users could go directly to the issues page if they get a link to a particular issue. This would allow them to log calls within the app so that...
Background color in newer APIs, plus button and text formatting styles, for cleaner XML
If an issue ID could be embedded in OneSignal, can we use that to deep link to an issue? @nickoneill ?
A webview might be nice here, to deal with all the links and formatting. Get more of the content from https://5calls.org/about