Visionlan model label always encode to lower letters
…ise and "order_points_clockwise" could cause some bugs when points have more than one max values
fix the tmp_box type to float32 for cv2.getPerspectiveTransform
when run `face_parser` with multi-threading, get error ``` File "/root/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/facer/face_parsing/farl.py", line 79, in forward [2024-05-14 21:41:31,730][mif-ml09.marz.vfx][__main__:_segment:130][INFO] - process track 5 grid = setting['get_grid_fn'](matrix=matrix, orig_shape=(h, w)) File "/root/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/facer/transform.py", line 353, in...
"order_points_clockwise" could cause some bugs when points have more than one max values
"order_points_clockwise" could cause some bugs when points have more than one max values
"order_points_clockwise" could cause some bugs when points have more than one max values