David v.Knobelsdorff

Results 25 comments of David v.Knobelsdorff

Had the same issue. Above solution helped me compile it. Thanks @Brisdo.

Hey, thanks for sharing your thoughts. This proposal would add support for PR #9 and PR #10 right ? Any updates on this ? We are currently maintaining a fork...

Any news on this @Mozharovsky ? Bug still persists and you pushed a new release a couple of days ago. Would love to see this one fixed. I just had...

Exactly I saw these issues/posts as well but wanted to discuss this further since it has been several years since then. I think the community would greatly benefit from the...

Seems like this issue in the main repo is related: https://github.com/facebook/react-native/issues/30196

Yes right. I added the possibility to add some ovals to your library. Here you can find an example: ![bild1](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/680180/5798025/6c5d2bf8-9fc3-11e4-9b0e-482724c7de68.png) Now i want to add the possibility to add images...

Great to hear that. Keep up the good work :)

Something new regarding this issue ?

I got one PGN with about 80kB and one with 170kB which previously did not work for me but the workaround importing them via lichess worked for me. Thank you...

Also would love this feature !