Christoph Sassenberg
Christoph Sassenberg
just started adding specs & refactoring that part (on master) in order to add FTP for my supershitty inexpensive webspace. should I rather use the 2.0 branch?
Excellent thought! Briefly looked into this: - Using `require: false` does solve the issue, but all the rake tasks will disappear. - Using `require: "data_migrate/railtie"` makes the rake tasks reappear,...
I got stumped by this as well - this is probably caused by application code that improperly passes keyword arguments, like this: ``` def my_t(*args) I18n.send :t, *args end ```...
@ilyakatz I'm not sure whether `DataMigrate::DataSchemaMigration` was meant to be a "public" API, but folks seem to be actively using it. If that is the case, we may want to...
@rocket-turtle The commit was meant as a fix for - because just _loading_ the gem forces an active database connection to be present. However, a lot of (or very...
Yes, I can verify this problem exists in version 9.2.0 using the bug app provided. `DataSchemaMigration` is an AR model and eagerly requiring it in `lib/data_migrate.rb` forces the connection to...