Michael Wong

Results 5 comments of Michael Wong

Thanks for your reply. deftemplate definition is ``` (em/deftemplate test-template :compiled "resources/tpl/jsnippet/users.html" [] ) ``` this transforms below can get the html which return by `(test-template)` invoke, ``` dess.users> (ef/at...

I have tried for firefox (40.0.3) and opera (Opera 31.0) on linux. for opera: ``` (apply str (for [node (test-template)] (.-innerHTML node))) #object[Error Error: [object DocumentFragment] is not ISeqable] Error:...

addition: I noticed your function that definded in `enfocus.core-test` ``` (defn by-id [id] (.getElementById js/document id)) ``` `(by-id "wrapper")` return `#object[HTMLDivElement [object HTMLDivElement]]` , and call `(.-innerHTML (by-id "wrapper"))` will...

Thanks for reply. > If you add a (s/take! b) after the put!, you'll see everything clean itself up as expected. Yes , it is the case. We use aleph...

Hi, @slockers37 , git-commit contains the timestamp. You can show it in the git directory by using the command `git log` or using `git show commit-id` if knowing the commit-id.