Deepjyoti Barman

Results 72 comments of Deepjyoti Barman

@dhuang1 Can you give me steps to perhaps reproduce the error? I am not able to understand what you said. By default, `downloader-cli` will throw an error if a file...

@dhuang1 I copied exactly your code and ran it. I have a file with just 5MB size. I went ahead and downloaded the same file with curl and then checked...

@dhuang1 I will try to reproduce on Windows next time I have access to a machine! Windows always throws weird errors!

Yes, it is a _naive_ locker.

@The-Repo-Club Based on what @BeyondMagic is saying, it won't be a good idea to move to not using truncate if we want to keep support for more than bash.

How are you setting the color scheme? Is it through the config file? That's very weird behaviour. As long as the config file is located where it is located even...

Hey @G-R-A-F-F Can you try passing the flag `--setter xfce`. It should work that way. By default it tries to use `nitrogen` which in your case won't be installed.

Just checked, seems like a nitrogen bug. Probably because you haven't set any wallpaper using nitrogen?! Please use the ```--save``` option and set a wallpaper using nitrogen. After that, run...

Do share your solution if you are able to fix it.

@onebyonetwo Could you elaborate a bit on the issue? I am assuming it's a feature request. I don't understand what `hfeather` is, is it some kind of frmework?