
Results 6 comments of deepaksaxenakent

[Master side - log with 2 viewer.txt]( [Viewer side - log KinisisViewerLogsMultipleViewerSingleMAster.txt](

Please find the details below: iPhone Device version - 13.6 and 12.4.8 test only on real devices Kinesis iOS SDK version - - AWSAuthCore (2.15.0) - AWSCore (= 2.15.0) -...

I have posted the below details on GitHub and we are using stock sample only adding Mr. Jai to the mailing list Please find the details below: iPhone Device version...

Hi Divya and Team Hope you get a chance to look into the issue, may you please update us, we are waiting to integrate it. Best Regards, Deepak Saxena Sr...

Hi Divya and Team Hope you get a chance to look into the issue, may you please update us, we are waiting to integrate it.

1. On physical device iOS 12.4.8 
Line number 169 in WebRTCClient its crashing I.e remoteVideoTrack?.add(self.remoteRenderer!) because of finding self.remoteRenderer to nil. 2. Unable to run the project on simulator (compile-time...