@ThePrez Could you please help on this.?
@abmusse We are using itoolkit v0.1.6. Library List of submitted Job (Node Jobs) is having the library list properly. Node Jobs : QP0ZSPWT USER01 BATCHI ACTIVE PGM-sh QP0ZSPWT USER01 BATCHI...
One more question here,, If we do not specify library Name in iPGM options, from which library list it tries to find the program.? Is it from current library list.?
@abmusse Thanks for your answer. Yes, I agree we can use Retrieve and Change but if partiular JOBD is having 15-20 libraries then I need to retrieve and set the...
@kadler I would like to use Library list from a JOBD, so to get the library list, I need to retrieve the library list from a particular JOBD and set...
Hi @ThePrez I tried to use the iConn option as below var conn = new xt.iConn("*LOCAL","USER01","XXXXX",ctl:'*sbmjob(QGPL/NEWUIJOBD/NODE_JB)',ipc:'/tmp/pdeepak/'}); I see it is submitting a job with NODE_JB with specified JOBD (NEWUIJOBD) but...
@alanseiden I understand, usually we do not do *SBMJOB with a JOBD name but I believe setting up library list from User JOBD should happen when we do not use...