Sunghyouk Bae

Results 35 comments of Sunghyouk Bae

At least, make public for `CoroutineContext.coroutineName` property please In my case, I use Redisson Lock. redisson lock basically used under Current Thread Id. When I use Redisson Lock in Coroutines,...

@elizarov Thanks a lot for idea

when this scenario is possible. ``` val mapper = jacksonObjectMapper() mapper.disable(IGNORE_DUPLICATE_MODULE_REGISTRATIONS) mapper.findAndRegisterModules() // kotlin module is register twice ```

@sreekanthsnair we will try it next minor release in semtember

You should use UserType for ZonedDateTime for saving Timestamp. And update FST version

@kiranmaikasturi Z means zset structure in redis for expiration timestamp store. you can't custom prefix.

@gubertu I will look at that problem, thanks information.

I'm not good at English. If you want to know about, I will make samples in hibernate-examples

Can you check redis monitor ? Maybe fail to put entity to redis ... Any log?