Erik De Bonte

Results 168 comments of Erik De Bonte

This repros for me with or without the LSP notebooks experiment. I was expecting that rename would work in concat doc scenarios. Not sure why it doesn't. cell 1: ```python...

> I'll try to spin up a VM or something to see which extension provides that rename command @tigerhawkvok, no worries. We've got it. Rich works on a different team...

@ted1030, when you see rename fail, are you working in an Untitled notebook that you created via the `Create: New Jupyter Notebook` command? See If not, can you please...

@alanturrr-1703, I'm guessing that this PR was created accidentally? If there's something that you really want to fix in our changelog, please let us know.

As of Python extension version 2022.14.0, `python.pylanceLspNotebooksEnabled` is now `true` by default and no longer considered experimental. Since this issue only repros when using our old notebooks implementation (when `python.pylanceLspNotebooksEnabled`...

> So, in short, I would love an easier way to change the typechecking mode on the fly. @bschnurr

@deem-lab, we'll need more complete sample code to be able to repro this. With imports and versions of imported libraries.

Due to the parse error, the parse tree ends after `[x, y]`. This causes us to only return folding ranges up to that point, which is why the regions lower...

This is both hysterical and very annoying. :) []( is part of the stdlib that was added as an Easter egg in [PEP 20]( @heejaechang, perhaps we should ban

Still doesn't work with LSP notebooks because each cell is treated as its own file and those "fake" cell paths have additional data after the `.ipynb` extension. While waiting for...