Marc Debureaux

Results 28 comments of Marc Debureaux

We created a patch for until a fix comes out: ``` # django.js monkey patch # # settings not found in request context try: from django.conf import settings from...

OK, I've seen there is possibility to have a trigger after login, but it would be nice to have both the current user and the SAML2 credentials in the parameters....

Here the configuration I add to `my_app.urls` : ```python from drf_yasg2.views import get_schema_view from drf_yasg2 import openapi schema_view = get_schema_view( openapi.Info( title="Front APIs", default_version='v1', ), public=True, urlconf='front.api', # url='/api/front/', #...

The issue here is in the URL: instead of having `http://localhost/api/front/` all the swagger calls are on the website root `http://localhost//`, so listing of APIs with documentation works well, but...

No, added by Django routing: ```python ... path("api/front/", include("front.api", namespace="front-api")), ... ```

Trying to bisect both `pytest` and `pytest-django` with no success because of the dependency between `pytest>4.1` and `pytest-django>3.4.4`. When bisecting `pytest` until 4.1.1 with latest `pytest-django`, I got errors with...

By the way, ignoring the others fails and errors by `git bisect` and focusing on the tests which fails with the newer version tends to give the following commit as...