Debashis Biswas
Debashis Biswas
**Does your feature request involve difficulty completing a task? Please describe.** When displaying the book title and the current chapter in the status bar, the user does not have the...
Fixes #55. When there is a space in the install path, Packer is not cloned properly on startup. This change resolves the issue. Tested on Windows 11 with Neovim v0.8.1...
Add a `!podcast` command. When a user uses the `!podcast` command, Horace should respond with a link to the most recent _Better Your World_ podcast episode. Specific copy for this... This file has not yet been updated for discord.js v12 - some of the function calls in this file no longer exist and throw errors as a result. This...
The FAQ command is a new command that will send users information about the channel they send the command in. When a user uses !FAQ in a channel, Horace will...
Currently, the `!info` command is outdated, and throws errors presumably due to old calls since the discord.js v12 update. The command should be updated so that it functions. It should...
Whenever an accountability action occurs (reacting with a pushpin to pin the message, or using `!unpin`, Horace takes a while to respond. These actions should not take this long.
Horace warns a channel when the pins approach the pin limit (50). Currently, this reminder is sent both when pinning and unpinning a message. This should be changed such that...