
Results 12 issues of deb0612

Dear sir I use "seqtk subseq R1.clean.fastq.gz wgEncodeGencodeBasicV37.bed" to extract sequence. However it doesn't work.

Dear sir, When I tried to use : "CRISPRessoWGS -b 1K/PCR-KL20211111-ALAS1-1_S52_L002.sorted.bam.bam -f guide.txt -r ALAS1_ngs1k.fasta" It shows massage like ~~~CRISPRessoWGS~~~ -Analysis of CRISPR/Cas9 outcomes from WGS data- _ _ '...

Dear sir, I tried to apply genefuse to our RNA-seq with known fusion gene. Somehow we couldn't find any fusion gene. command I used: genefuse -r hg19.fa -f druggable.hg19.csv -1...

Dear sir: I tried data =superFreq(file, normalDirectory=normalDirectory, Rdirectory=Rdirectory, plotDirectory=plotDirectory, reference=reference, genome=genome, cpus=cpus, mode=mode) But I got error below: [runtimeTracking.log]( Normal directory: /NGS_Storage/Debbie/RNA-seq/variant_calling_20210602/RSEM/referenceNormals Normal coverage directory: /NGS_Storage/Debbie/RNA-seq/variant_calling_20210602/RSEM/referenceNormals dbSNP directory: superFreqResources/dbSNP capture...

Dear sir, I tried to apply " batch Sample1.bam -n Control1.bam -m wgs -f hg38.fasta --annotate refFlat.txt" to my WGS data. When use gencode.v37.annotation as target bed, we got very...


Dear sir, There are something wrong when I rumming freaser, ![image]( Is there anything wrong with bam file?

Dear sir, I can ran "snakemake --cores 1 -n" successfully, however there was a error when running "snakemake --cores 1". ![image]( Is there something wrong with sample HG00096?

Dear sir, I ran sacrHRD normally untill recent months. The error message below: ![image]( Is that the R version or any update ?