David Martínez Martí

Results 4 issues of David Martínez Martí

It is unclear if autorun is supported or not by this extension, it's not mentioned but it appears in some parts of the sources. I never used autorun before in...


I noticed that in maps that are 128x128 tiles with several tile layer (around 7) and several tilesets with 50+ sprites, a map load can take 100ms in a fast...

In cube.rs, the new function initializes as: ``` .enumerate() .map(|(i, s)| (*s, i as u16)) ``` Effectively adding the number of the position of the original vec inside as extra...


The docs at https://docs.rs/readability/0.2.0/readability/index.html show zero comments. Could you document at the very least the parts that are most commonly used?