Jeffrey Robinson
Jeffrey Robinson
EDIT: If I hold down A it prints a bunch of A's, if I hold down Q it does not print anything until I let go and press again. As...
Did some debugging, I can see [this line]( is getting hit. I added a println! to output and I see the character. I can even see in the debugger that...
Interesting, it looks like the press is being lost, I added println! at the above places (see comment above) and the pressed path is not being hit. I even HELD...
I suspect this has something to do with the compiler. If I have multiple states for instance ``` Menu Playing End ``` and I only allow exiting when I am...
Native python. I am trying to guess on what some of the functions do. And also what should be set and what you should expect to be passed in.
Awesome, I just back to work from Surgery so I will be in and out for the week. I will take a look and let you know if I have...
I have started a blank template [here]( The only question I have is how do you know what will is required/optional in obj_attr_list? Also, how do you know what to...
So I "think" I have everything filled in but it is complaining with this, ``` unknown error: Your configuration file is missing the following configuration: [USER-DEFINED : CLOUDOPTION_TESTAZSCLOUD] AZS_LOGIN =...
I can't access those links.
I filled those in for AzureStack [[link](]. Where does CLOUDOPTION_TESTAZSCLOUD come from?