Dean Levinson
Dean Levinson
`cordova-plugin-whitelist` has been deprecated and integrated into Cordova Android 10, and it is therefore no longer necessary to validate its existence.
This allows you to scale the font size with the size of the chart, like so: ``` fontSize: ({ chart }) => { const { bottom, left, right, top }...
Are there any plans to support [ember-template-imports]( We were planning to switch our new components over to that but unfortunately it appears ember-css-modules is incompatible. The outputted HTML simply includes...
Due to this check: while appending an element [like this]( and then updating a tracked variable it relies on. Wondering why that check exists in the first place, and...
In the Apollo settings you can choose what app to open Tweets in but this has been broken since Twitter's URL changed to Not sure if stuff like that...