Clyde Davies
Clyde Davies
Thinking about this some more, I hit on a useful analogy from my development work. Say, for the sake of argument, you're building an interface in WPF and you want...
It's called **moleculeList** in CML. But yes, that would work. And if we want to specify ratios we could use something like ```xml // 15 percent // 50 percent //say...
How do variables work in specifying occupancy? Not sure I can see this.
Just seen the new issue. I have dabbled with the Stanford software, but only really scratched the surface. I'd suggest we tackle variable occupancies later. There's enough work to be...
The articles are combined into massive JSON files. They will need to be extract from each file. I'll have to think about how to do this, probably using KNIME.
Currently pulling apart the docs using KNIME. However this may be an option:
I was about to comment that this is an ideal problem for Solr, much more so than running ad-hoc searches and indexing those. I'll investigate and get onto it.
I'm downloading the core dump right now onto my Azure VM. Will untar it and see how big it is
It's all JSON, which is fine because Solr handles that without any problems. Just tried indexing it, and it appears to have failed because of field errors. I will need...