akshay kadam (a2k)

Results 101 issues of akshay kadam (a2k)

See the following GIF 👇 (~3MB) ![GIF here](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/16436270/78001657-a5d68280-7353-11ea-98e3-8d3c47b87e4d.gif)


When creating 2 tasks simultaneously, I want the next task to start with an empty text field after I press Enter ⏎ as Todoist does. Or give me some keyboard...


It might make it easily accessible & users can get the whole tree level structure if nested sidebar links are added :smiley: Example Lodash Docs : ![](http://imgur.com/siI9f4O.png)


It gives an error `requirenativecomponent RNOverflow was not found in the uimanager` which means it can't link to native code as `react-native-view-overflow` requires us to do `react-native link`. Why do...

If user visits [https://github.com/](https://github.com) in the browser, user must redirected to the App opening the same url

high priority

[](https://issuehunt.io/r/sindresorhus/electron-reloader/issues/2) I just added `console.log('its not working')` to `index.js` & app stopped. `index.html` works. > There is a $40.00 open bounty on this issue. Add more on [Issuehunt](https://issuehunt.io/r/sindresorhus/electron-reloader/issues/2). > -...

help wanted
:dollar: Funded on Issuehunt

https://github.com/dabit3/heard/blob/master/src/graphql/mutations.js#L3-L11 Line missing gql tag

It confused me which website I was opening as you have used Flutter's logo. I think it makes sense to change to anything else than that. But I understand it...

I have basically this form ```html Email ``` But I want it to have a client-side validation & so I used [FormData](). If you don't know what `FormData` is &...

Currently I am using it for [my site](https://akshaykadam.me) & when I submit it to my HTTP URL, it gives me this warning ``` The information you have entered on this...